The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 124 rectoBackBACKBackF123v Folio 123 verso   Folio 124 verso F124v

6229   Ne not therfore her soules leese,
6230   That hem to worldly clothes chese;
6231   ffor, certis, it were gret pitee.
6232   Men may in seculer clothes see
6233   fflorishen hooly religioun.
6234   ffull many a seynt in feeld and toune,
6235   With many a virgine glorious,
6236   Devoute, and ful religious,
6237   Han deied, that comyn cloth ay beeren,
6238   Yit seyntes nevere the lesse they weren.
6239   I cowde reken you many a ten;
6240   Yhe, wel nygh these hooly wymmen,
6241   That men in chirchis herie and seke,
6242   Bothe maydens, and these wyves eke,
6243   That baren full many a faire child heere,
6244   Wered alwey clothis seculere,
6245   And in the same dieden they,
6246   That seyntes weren, and ben Alwey.
6247   The xi thousand maydens deere,
6248   That beren in heven her ciergis clere,
6249   Of whiche men rede in chirche, and synge,
6250   Were take in seculer clothing,
6251   Whanne they resseyved martirdome,
6252   And wonnen hevene unto her home.