The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 123 versoBackBACKBackF123r Folio 123 recto   Folio 124 recto F124r

6205   That awayteth myce and rattes to kyllen, (missing in MS)
6206   Ne entende I but to bigilyng;
6207   Ne no wight may, by my clothing,
6208   Wite with what folk is my dwellyng;
6209   Ne by my wordis yit, parde,
6210   So softe and so plesaunt they be.
6211   Biholde the dedis that I do;
6212   But thou be blynde, thou oughtest so;
6213   ffor, varie her wordis fro her deede,
6214   They thenke on gile, without dreede,
6215   What maner clothing that they were,
6216   Or what estate that evere they bere,
6217   Lered or lewde, lord or lady,
6218   Knyght, squyer, burgeis, or bayly.'
6219   Right thus while falssemblant smoneth,
6220   Eftsones love hym Aresoneth,
6221   And brake his tale in his spekyng
6222   As though he had hym tolde lesyng;
6223   And seide: 'What, devel, is that I here?
6224   What folk hast thou us nempned heere?
6225   May men fynde religioun
6226   In worldly habitacioun?'
6227   'Yhe, sir; it folowith not that they
6228   Shulde lede a wikked lyf, pfey,