The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 123 rectoBackBACKBackF122v Folio 122 verso   Folio 123 verso F123v

6181   And preche us povert and distresse,
6182   And fisshen hem silf gret richesse
6183   With wily nettis that they cast:
6184   It wole come foule out at the last.
6185   They ben fro clene religioun went;
6186   They make the world an Argument
6187   That a foule conclusioun.
6188   "I have a robe of religioun,
6189   Thanne am I all religious:"
6190   This argument is all roignous;
6191   It is not worth a croked brere;
6192   Abit ne makith neithir monk ne frere,
6193   But clene lyf and devocioun
6194   Makith gode men of religioun.
6195   Netheles, ther kan noon Answere,
6196   How high that evere his heed he shere
6197   With resoun whetted never so kene,
6198   That gile in braunches kut thrittene;
6199   Ther can no wight distincte it so,
6200   That he dare sey a word therto.
6201   'But what herberwe that ever I take,
6202   Or what semblant that evere I make,
6203   I mene but gile, and folowe that;
6204   ffor right no mo than gibbe oure cat