The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 122 versoBackBACKBackF122r Folio 122 recto   Folio 123 recto F123r

6157   I mene of fals religious,
6158   That stoute ben, and malicious;
6159   That wolen in an abit goo,
6160   And setten not her herte therto.
6161   'Religious folk ben al pitous;
6162   Thou shalt not seen oon dispitous.
6163   They loven no pride, ne no strif,
6164   But humbely they wole lede her lyf;
6165   With which folk wole I never be.
6166   And if I dwelle, I feyne me
6167   I may wel in her abit go;
6168   But me were lever my nekke a two,
6169   Than lette a purpose that I take,
6170   What covenaunt that ever I make.
6171   I dwelle with hem that proude be,
6172   And full of wiles and subtilite;
6173   That worship of this world coveiten,
6174   And grete nede kunnen espleiten;
6175   And gone and gadren gret pitauncs,
6176   And purchace hem the acqueyntauncs
6177   Of men that myghty lyf may leden;
6178   And feyne hem pore, and hem silf feden
6179   With gode morcels delicious,
6180   And drinken good wyne precious,