The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 122 rectoBackBACKBackF121v Folio 121 verso   Folio 122 verso F122v

6133   I shal done youre comaundement,
6134   ffor therto have I gret talent.'
6135   Withouten wordis mo, right thanne,
6136   ffalssemblant his sermon biganne,
6137   And seide hem thus in Audience:
6138   'Barouns, take heede of my sentence!
6139   That wight that list to have knowing
6140   Of falssemblant, full of flatering,
6141   He must in worldly folk hym seke,
6142   And, certes, in the cloistres eke;
6143   I wone no where but in hem twey;
6144   But not lyk even, soth to sey;
6145   Shortly, I wole herberwe me
6146   There I hope best to hulstred be;
6147   And certeynly, sikerest hidyng
6148   Is undirnethe humblest clothing.
6149   'Religiouse folk ben full covert;
6150   Seculer folk ben more Appert.
6151   But natheles, I wole not blame
6152   Religious folk, ne hem diffame,
6153   In what habit that ever they go:
6154   Religioun umble, and trewe Also,
6155   Wole I not blame, ne dispise,
6156   But I nyl love it, in no wise.