The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 121 versoBackBACKBackF121r Folio 121 recto   Folio 122 recto F122r

6109   But he that wole it on hym take,
6110   He wole hymsilf suspecious make,
6111   That he his lyf let covertly,
6112   In gile and in Ipocrisie,
6113   That me engendred and yaf fostryng.'
6114   'They made a full good engendryng,'
6115   Quod love, 'for who so sothly telle,
6116   They engendred the devel of helle!
6117   'But nedely, how so evere it be,'
6118   Quod love, 'I wole and charge thee,
6119   To telle anoon thy wonyng places,
6120   Heryng ech wight that in this place is;
6121   And what lyf that thou lyvest Also,
6122   Hide it no lenger now; wherto?
6123   Thou most discovere all thi wurchyng,
6124   How thou servest, and of what thyng,
6125   Though that thou shuldist for thi sothe sawe
6126   Ben alto beten and to drawe;
6127   And yit art thou not wont, pardee.
6128   But natheles, though thou beten be,
6129   Thou shalt not be the first, that so
6130   Hath for soth sawe suffred woo.'
6131   'Sir, sith that it may liken you,
6132   Though that I shulde be slayne right now,