The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 121 rectoBackBACKBackF120v Folio 120 verso   Folio 121 verso F121v

6085   ffor if that I telle you the sothe,
6086   I may have harme and shame bothe.
6087   If that my felowes wisten it,
6088   My talis shulden me be quytt;
6089   ffor certeyne, they wolde hate me,
6090   If ever I knewe her cruelte;
6091   ffor they wolde overall holde hem stille
6092   Of trouthe that is ageyne her wille;
6093   Suche tales kepen they not here.
6094   I myght eftsoone bye it full deere,
6095   If I seide of hem ony thing,
6096   †at ought displesith to her heryng.
6097   ffor what word that hem prikke or biteth,
6098   In that word noon of hem deliteth,
6099   Al were it gospel, the evangile,
6100   That wolde reprove hem of her gile,
6101   ffor they are cruel and hauteyne.
6102   And this thyng wote I well, certeyne,
6103   If I speke ought to peire her loos,
6104   Your court shal not so well be cloos,
6105   That they ne shall wite it atte last.
6106   Of good men am I nought Agast,
6107   ffor they wole taken on hem nothyng,
6108   Whanne that they knowe al my menyng;