The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 120 versoBackBACKBackF120r Folio 120 recto   Folio 121 recto F121r

6061   'ffalssemblant,' quod love, 'in this wise
6062   I take thee heere to my servise,
6063   That thou oure freendis helpe away,
6064   And hyndreth hem neithir nyght ne day,
6065   But do thy myght hem to releve,
6066   And eke oure enemyes that thou greve.
6067   Thyne be this myght, I graunte it thee,
6068   My kyng of harlotes shalt thou be;
6069   We wole that thou have such honour.
6070   Certeyne, thou art a fals traitour,
6071   And eke a theef; sith thou were borne,
6072   A thousand tyme thou art forsworne.
6073   But, netheles, in oure heryng,
6074   To putte oure folk out of doutyng,
6075   I bidde thee teche hem, wostowe howe?
6076   Bi somme general signe nowe,
6077   In what place thou shalt founden be,
6078   If that men had myster of thee;
6079   And how men shal thee best espye,
6080   ffor thee to knowe is gret maistrie;
6081   Telle in what place is thyn hauntyng.'
6082   'Sir, I have fele dyverse wonyng,
6083   That I kepe not rehersed be,
6084   So that ye wolde respiten me.