The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 120 rectoBackBACKBackF119v Folio 119 verso   Folio 120 verso F120v

6037   Late ladies worthe with her thyngis,
6038   They shal hem telle so fele tidynges,
6039   And moeve hem eke so many requestis
6040   By flateri, that not honest is,
6041   And therto yeve hym such thankynges,
6042   What with kissyng, and with talkynges,
6043   That certis, if they trowed be,
6044   Shal never leve hem londe ne fee
6045   That it nyl as the moeble fare,
6046   Of which they first delyverid Are.
6047   Now may ye telle us all youre wille,
6048   And we youre heestes shal fulfille.
6049   'But falsseblant dar not, for drede
6050   Of you, sir, medle hym of this dede,
6051   ffor he seith that ye ben his foo;
6052   He note, if ye wole worche hym woo.
6053   Wherfore we pray you alle, beausire,
6054   That ye forgyve hym now your ire,
6055   And that he may dwelle, as your man,
6056   With abstinence, his dere lemman:
6057   This oure accord and oure wille nowe.'
6058   'Parfay,' seide love, 'I graunte it yowe;
6059   I wole wel holde hym for my man;
6060   Now late hym come:' and he forth ran.