5989 Oure maydens shal eke pluk hym so,
5990 That hym shal neden fetheres mo,
5991 And make hym selle his londe to spende,
5992 But he the bet kunne hym defende.
5993 'Pore men han maad her lord of me;
5994 Al though they not so myghty be,
5995 That they may fede me in delite,
5996 I wole not have hem in despite.
5997 No good man hateth hym, as I gesse,
5998 ffor chynche and feloun is richesse,
5999 That so can chase hym and dispise,
6000 And hem defoule in sondry wise.
6001 They loven full bet, so god me spede,
6002 Than doth the riche, chynchy grede,
6003 And ben, in good feith, more stable
6004 And trewer, and more serviable;
6005 And therfore it suffisith me
6006 Her good herte, and her beaute.
6007 They han on me sette all her thought,
6008 And therfore I forgete hem nought.
6009 I wole hem bringe in grete noblesse,
6010 If that I were god of Richesse,
6011 As I am god of love, sothely,
6012 Sich routhe upon her pleynt have I.