The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 118 versoBackBACKBackF118r Folio 118 recto   Folio 119 recto F119r

5965   Yit wolde I swere, for sikirnesse,
5966   The pole of helle to my witnesse,
5967   Now drynke I not this yeere clarre,
5968   If that I lye, or forsworne be!
5969   ffor of the goddes the usage is,
5970   That who so hym forswereth Amys,
5971   Shal that yeer drynke no clarre.
5972   Now have I sworne ynough, pdee;
5973   If I forswere me, thanne am I lorne,
5974   But I wole never be forsworne.
5975   Syth Richesse hath me failed heere,
5976   She shal abye that trespas ful dere,
5977   Atte leest wey, but hir Arme
5978   With swerd, or sparth, or gysarme.
5979   ffor certis, sith she loveth not me,
5980   ffro thilk tyme that she may se
5981   The castell and the tour to shake,
5982   In sory tyme she shal Awake.
5983   If I may grepe a riche man,
5984   I shal so pulle hym, if I can,
5985   That he shal, in a fewe stoundes,
5986   Lese all his markis and his poundis.
5987   I shal hym make his pens outslynge,
5988   But they in his gerner sprynge;