The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 118 rectoBackBACKBackF117v Folio 117 verso   Folio 118 verso F118v

5941   Whanne they bye sich thyng wilfully,
5942   There as they leese her good folyly.
5943   But natheles, this dar I say,
5944   My modir is not wont to pay,
5945   ffor she is neither so fool ne nyce,
5946   To entremete hir of sich wise.
5947   But trust wel, he shal pay All,
5948   That repent of his bargeyn shall,
5949   Whanne poverte putte hym in distresse,
5950   All were he scoler to Richesse,
5951   That is for me in gret yernyng,
5952   Whanne she assentith to my willyng.
5953   'But, my modir seint Venus,
5954   And by hir fader Saturnus,
5955   That hir engendride by his lyf,
5956   But not upon his weddid wyf!
5957   Yit wole I more unto you swere,
5958   To make this thyng the seurere;
5959   Now by that feith, and that beaute
5960   That I owe to all my britheren fre,
5961   Of which ther nys wight undir heven
5962   That kan her fadris names neven,
5963   So dyverse and so many ther be
5964   That with my modir have be prive!