The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 117 versoBackBACKBackF117r Folio 117 recto   Folio 118 recto F118r

5917   Or ellis, if it so bitide
5918   That he wole kepe his hors to ride,
5919   Yit is he lord ay of his hors.
5920   But thilk chaffare is wel wors,
5921   There Venus entremetith ought;
5922   ffor who so such chaffare hath bought,
5923   He shal not worchen so wisely,
5924   That he ne shal leese al outerly
5925   Bothe his money and his chaffare;
5926   But the seller of the ware
5927   The prys and profit have shall.
5928   Certeyn, the bier shal leese All;
5929   ffor he ne can so dere it bye
5930   To have lordship and full maistrie,
5931   Ne have power to make lettyng
5932   Neithir for yift ne for prechyng,
5933   That of his chaffare, maugre his,
5934   Another shal have as moche, iwis,
5935   If he wole yeve as myche as he,
5936   Of what contrey so that he be;
5937   Or for right nought, so happe may,
5938   If he can flater hir to hir pay.
5939   Ben thanne siche marchaunts wise?
5940   No, but fooles in evy wise,