The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 117 rectoBackBACKBackF116v Folio 116 verso   Folio 117 verso F117v

5893   'Mi modir is of gret prowesse;
5894   She hath tan many a fortresse,
5895   That cost hath many a pounde er this,
5896   There I nas not present, ywis;
5897   And yit men seide it was my dede;
5898   But I come never in that stede;
5899   Ne me ne likith, so mote I the,
5900   That such toures ben take withoute me.
5901   ffor why me thenkith that, in no wise,
5902   It may bene clepid but marchandise.
5903   'Go bye a courser, blak or white,
5904   And pay therfore; than art thou quyte.
5905   The marchaunt owith thee right nought,
5906   Ne thou hym, whanne thou it bought.
5907   I wole not sellyng clepe yevyng,
5908   ffor sellyng axeth no guerdonyng;
5909   Here lith no thank, ne no merite,
5910   That oon goth from that other al quyte.
5911   But this sellyng is not semblable;
5912   ffor, whanne his hors is in the stable,
5913   He may it selle ageyn, parde,
5914   And wynnen on it, such happe may be;
5915   All may the man not leese, iwys,
5916   ffor at the leest the skynne is his.