The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 116 versoBackBACKBackF116r Folio 116 recto   Folio 117 recto F117r

5869   If everiche do his entent,
5870   So that venus be present,
5871   Youre modir, full of vesselage,
5872   That can ynough of such usage;
5873   Withouten hir may no wight spede
5874   This werk, neithir for word ne deede.
5875   Therfore is good ye for hir sende,
5876   ffor thurgh hir may this werk Amende.'
5877   'Lordynges, my modir, the goddesse,
5878   That is my lady, and my maistresse,
5879   Nis not all at my willyng,
5880   Ne doth not all my desiryng.
5881   Yit can she some tyme done labour,
5882   Whanne that hir lust, in my socour,
5883   As my nede is forto Acheve,
5884   But now I thenke hir not to greve.
5885   My modir is she, and of childehede
5886   I bothe worshipe hir, and eke drede;
5887   ffor who that dredith sire ne dame
5888   Shal it abye in body or name.
5889   And, netheles, yit kunne we
5890   Sende aftir hir, if nede be;
5891   And were she nygh, she comen wolde,
5892   I trowe that no thyng myght hir holde.