The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 116 rectoBackBACKBackF115v Folio 115 verso   Folio 116 verso F116v

5845   And whanne Richesse us this recorded,
5846   Withouten hir we ben Accorded.
5847   'And we fynde in oure Accordaunce,
5848   That false semblant and Abstinaunce,
5849   With all the folk of her bataille,
5850   Shull at the hyndre gate Assayle,
5851   That wikkid tunge hath in kepyng,
5852   With his normans, full of Ianglyng.
5853   And with hem curtesie and largesse,
5854   That shull shewe her hardynesse
5855   To the olde wyf that kepte so harde
5856   ffair welcomyng withynne her warde.
5857   Thanne shal delite and wel heelynge
5858   ffonde shame adowne to brynge;
5859   With all her oost, erly and late,
5860   They shull assailen that ilke gate.
5861   Agayns drede shall hardynesse
5862   Assayle, and also sikernesse,
5863   With all the folk of her ledyng,
5864   That never wist what was fleyng.
5865   'Fraunchise shall fight, and eke pite,
5866   With daunger full of cruelte.
5867   Thus is youre hoost ordeyned wele;
5868   Doune shall the castell every dele