The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 115 versoBackBACKBackF115r Folio 115 recto   Folio 116 recto F116r

5821   The she the castell nyl not Assaile,
5822   Ne smyte a stroke in this bataile,
5823   With darte, ne mace, spere, ne knyf,
5824   ffor man that spekith or berith the lyf,
5825   And blameth youre emprise, iwys,
5826   And from oure hoost departed is,
5827   Atte lest wey, as in this plyte,
5828   So hath she this man in dispite;
5829   ffor she seith he ne loved hir never,
5830   And therfore she wole hate hym evere.
5831   ffor he wole gadre no tresoure,
5832   He hath hir wrath for evermore.
5833   He agylte hir never in other caas,
5834   Lo, heere all hoolly his trespas!
5835   She seith wel, that this other day
5836   He axide hir leve to gone the way
5837   That is clepid to moche yevyng,
5838   And spak full faire in his praiyng;
5839   But whanne he praiede hir, pore was he,
5840   Therfore she warned hym the entre.
5841   Ne yit is he not thryven so
5842   That he hath geten a peny or two,
5843   That quytely is his owne in holde.
5844   Thus hath richesse us all tolde;