The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 115 rectoBackBACKBackF114v Folio 114 verso   Folio 115 verso F115v

5797   And lyve withoute false usure,
5798   ffor charite full clene and pure.
5799   If they hem yeve to goodnesse,
5800   Defendyng hem from ydelnesse,
5801   In all this world thanne pore noon
5802   We shulde fynde, I trowe, not oon.
5803   But chaunged is this world unstable;
5804   ffor love is over all vendable.
5805   We se that no man loveth nowe
5806   But for wynnyng and for prowe;
5807   And love is thralled in servage
5808   Whanne it is sold for Avauntage;
5809   Yit wommen wole her bodyes selle;
5810   Suche soules goth to the devel of helle.'
5811   Whanne love hadde told hem his entent,
5812   The baronage to councel went;
5813   In many sentences they fille,
5814   And dyversely they seide hir tille:
5815   But aftir discorde they Accorded,
5816   And her accord to love recorded.
5817   'Sir,' seiden they, 'we ben atone,
5818   Bi evene accorde of everichone,
5819   Outake Richesse al oonly,
5820   That sworne hath ful hauteynly,