5749 That folk lyve not holily.
5750 But aboven all, specialy,
5751 Sich as prechen veynglorie,
5752 And toward god have no memorie,
5753 But forth as ypocrites trace,
5754 And to her soules deth purchace,
5755 And outward shewing holynesse,
5756 Though they be full of cursidnesse.
5757 Not liche to the apostles twelve,
5758 They deceyve other and hem selve;
5759 Bigiled is the giler thanne.
5760 ffor prechyng of a cursed man,
5761 Though to other may profite,
5762 Hymsilf it availeth not a myte;
5763 ffor ofte goode predicacioun
5764 Cometh of evel entencioun.
5765 To hym not vailith his preching,
5766 All helpe he other with his teching;
5767 ffor where they good ensaumple take,
5768 There is he with veynglorie shake.
5769 'But late us leven these prechoures,
5770 And speke of hem that in her toures
5771 Hepe up her gold, and fast shette,
5772 And sore theron her herte sette.