The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 113 rectoBackBACKBackF112v Folio 112 verso   Folio 113 verso F113v

5701   Ne never shal though he hath geten;
5702   Though he have gold in gerners yeten,
5703   fforto be nedy he dredith sore.
5704   Wherfore to geten more and more
5705   He sette his herte and his desire;
5706   So hote he brennyth in the fire
5707   Of coveitise, that makith hym woode
5708   To purchase other mennes goode.
5709   He undirfongith a gret peyne,
5710   That undirtakith to drynke up seyne;
5711   ffor the more he drynkith, Ay
5712   The more he leveth, the soth to say.
5713   Thus is thurst of fals getyng,
5714   That laste ever in coveityng,
5715   And the angwisshe and distresse
5716   With the fire of gredynesse.
5717   She fightith with hym ay, and stryveth,
5718   That his herte asondre ryveth;
5719   Such gredynesse hym Assaylith,
5720   That whanne he most hath, most he failith.
5721   'Phiciciens and Advocates
5722   Gone right by the same yates;
5723   They selle her science for wynnyng,
5724   And haunte her crafte for gret getyng.