The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 112 rectoBackBACKBackF111v Folio 111 verso   Folio 112 verso F112v

5653   "Thanne, whanne thou goste thy body fro,
5654   ffre in the eir thou shalt up go,
5655   And leven al humanite,
5656   And purely lyve in deite."
5657   He is a foole, withouten were,
5658   That trowith have his contre heere.
5659   "In erthe is not oure countre,"
5660   That may these clerkis seyn and see
5661   In Boice of consolacioun,
5662   Where it is maked mencioun
5663   Of oure countre pleyn at the eye,
5664   By teching of philosophie,
5665   Where lewid men myght lere witte,
5666   Who so that wolde translaten it.
5667   If he be sich that can wel lyve
5668   Aftir his rent may hym yeve,
5669   And not desireth more to have,
5670   That may fro poverte hym save:
5671   A wise man seide, as we may seen,
5672   Is no man wrecched, but he it wene,
5673   Be he kyng, knyght, or ribaude.
5674   And many a ribaude is mery and baude,
5675   That wynkith, and berith, bothe day and nyght,
5676   Many a burthen of gret myght,