The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 111 versoBackBACKBackF111r Folio 111 recto   Folio 112 recto F112r

5629   Withoute nede of ony man.
5630   So myche in litel have he can,
5631   He is apaied with his fortune;
5632   And for he nyl be importune
5633   Unto no witte, ne honerous,
5634   Nor of her goodes coveitous;
5635   Therfore he spareth, it may wel bene,
5636   His pore estate forto sustene.
5637   'Or if hym lust not forto spare,
5638   But suffrith forth, as not ne ware,
5639   Atte last it hapneth, as it may,
5640   Right unto his last day,
5641   And take the world as it wolde be;
5642   ffor evere in herte thenkith he,
5643   The sonner that deth hym slo,
5644   To paradys the sonner go
5645   He shal, there forto lyve in blisse,
5646   Where that he shal no good misse.
5647   Thider he hopith god shal hym sende
5648   Aftir his wrecchid lyves ende.
5649   Pictigoras hym silf reherses,
5650   In a book that the golden verses
5651   Is clepid, for the nobilite
5652   Of the honourable ditee: