The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 111 rectoBackBACKBackF110v Folio 110 verso   Folio 111 verso F111v

5605   Though he have lytel worldis goode,
5606   Mete and drynke, and esy foode,
5607   Upon his travel and lyvyng,
5608   And also suffisaunt clothyng.
5609   Or if in syknesse that he fall,
5610   And lothe mete and drynke withall,
5611   Though he have not, his mete to bye,
5612   He shal bithynke hym hastly,
5613   To putte hym oute of all daunger,
5614   That he of mete hath no myster;
5615   Or that he may with lytel eke
5616   Be founden, while that he is seke;
5617   Or that men shull hym berne in haste,
5618   To lyve, til his syknesse be paste,
5619   To somme maysondewe biside;
5620   He caste nought what shal hym bitide.
5621   He thenkith nought that evere he shall
5622   Into ony syknesse fall.
5623   'And though it fall, as it may be,
5624   That all betyme spare shall he
5625   As mochel as shal to hym suffice,
5626   While he is sike in ony wise,
5627   He doth, for that he wole be
5628   Contente with his poverte