The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 109 rectoBackBACKBackF108v Folio 108 verso   Folio 109 verso F109v

5509   Over all where so they fare,
5510   And synge, "Go, fare wel feldfare."
5511   All suche freendis I beshrewe,
5512   ffor of trewe ther be to fewe;
5513   But sothfast freendis, what so bitide,
5514   In every fortune wolen Abide;
5515   Thei han her hertis in suche noblesse
5516   That they nyl love for no richesse;
5517   Nor, for that fortune may hem sende,
5518   Thei wolen hem socoure and defende;
5519   And chaunge for softe ne for sore,
5520   ffor who is freend, loveth evermore.
5521   Though men drawe swerde his freend to slo,
5522   He may not hewe her love a two.
5523   But, in case that I shall sey,
5524   ffor pride and ire lese it he may,
5525   And for reprove by nycete,
5526   And discovering of privite,
5527   With tonge woundyng, as feloun,
5528   Thurgh venemous detraccioun.
5529   ffrende in this case wole gone his way,
5530   ffor no thyng greve hym more ne may;
5531   And for nought ellis wole he fle,
5532   If that he love in stabilite.