The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 109 versoBackBACKBackF109r Folio 109 recto   Folio 110 recto F110r

5533   And certeyn, he is wel bigone
5534   Among a thousand that fyndith oon.
5535   ffor ther may be no richesse,
5536   Ageyns frendshipp, of worthynesse;
5537   ffor it ne may so high Atteigne
5538   As may the valoure, soth to seyne,
5539   Of hym that loveth trew and well;
5540   ffrendshipp is more than is catell.
5541   ffor freend in court ay better is
5542   Than peny in purs, certis;
5543   And fortune, myshappyng,
5544   Whanne upon men she is fablyng,
5545   Thurgh mysturnyng of hir chaunce,
5546   And caste hem oute of balaunce,
5547   She makith, thurgh hir Adversite,
5548   Men full clerly forto se
5549   Hym that is freend in existence
5550   ffrom hym that is by Apparence.
5551   ffor yn fortune makith Anoon
5552   To knowe thy freendis fro thy foon,
5553   By experience, right as it is;
5554   The which is more to preise, ywis,
5555   Than in myche richesse and tresour;
5556   ffor more depeprofit and valour