The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 108 versoBackBACKBackF108r Folio 108 recto   Folio 109 recto F109r

5485   ffully to knowen, without were,
5486   ffreend of affect, and freend of chere;
5487   And whiche in love weren trewe and stable,
5488   And whiche also weren variable,
5489   After fortune, her goddes,
5490   In poverte, outher in richesse;
5491   ffor all that yeveth here, out of drede,
5492   Unhappe bereveth it in dede;
5493   ffor in fortune late not oon
5494   Of freendis, whanne fortune is gone;
5495   I mene tho freendis that wole fle
5496   Anoon as entreth poverte.
5497   And yit they wole not leve hem so,
5498   But in ech place where they go
5499   They calle hem "wrecche," scorne and blame,
5500   And of her myshappe hem diffame,
5501   And, namely, siche as in richesse
5502   Pretendith moost of stablenesse,
5503   Whanne that the sawe hym sett on lofte,
5504   And weren of hym socoured ofte,
5505   And most I hope in all her neede:
5506   But now they take no maner heede,
5507   But seyn, in voice of flaterie,
5508   That now apperith her folye,