The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 105 versoBackBACKBackF105r Folio 105 recto   Folio 106 recto F106r

5341   That part where she hath lost hir lyght
5342   Of phebz fully, and the sight;
5343   Til, whanne the shadowe is overpaste,
5344   She is enlumyned ageyn as faste,
5345   Thurgh the brightnesse of the sonne bemes
5346   That yeveth to hir ageyne hir lemes.
5347   That love is right of sich nature;
5348   Now is faire, and now obscure,
5349   Now bright, now clipsi of manere,
5350   And whilom dymme, and whilom clere.
5351   As soone as poverte gynneth take,
5352   With mantel and wedis blake
5353   Hidith of love the light Awey,
5354   That into nyght it turneth day;
5355   It may not see Richesse shyne
5356   Till the blak shadowes fyne.
5357   ffor, whanne Richesse shyneth bright,
5358   Love recovereth ageyn his light;
5359   And whanne it failith, he wole flit,
5360   And as she greweth, so greweth it.
5361   'Of this love, here what I sey:
5362   The riche men are loved Ay,
5363   And namely tho that sparand bene,
5364   That wole not wasshe her hertes clene