The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 106 rectoBackBACKBackF105v Folio 105 verso   Folio 106 verso F106v

5365   Of the filthe, nor of the vice
5366   Of gredy brennyng Avarice.
5367   The riche man full fonned is, ywys,
5368   That weneth that he loved is.
5369   If that his herte it undirstode,
5370   It is not he, it is his goode;
5371   He may wel witen in his thought,
5372   His good is loved, and he right nought.
5373   ffor if he be a nygard eke,
5374   Men wole not sette by hym a leke,
5375   But haten hym; this is the sothe.
5376   Lo, what profit his catell doth!
5377   Of every man that may hym see,
5378   It geteth hym nought but enmyte.
5379   But he amende hym silf of that vice,
5380   And knowe hym silf, he is not wys.
5381   'Certys, he shulde ay freendly be,
5382   To gete hym love also ben free,
5383   Or ellis he is not wise ne sage
5384   Nomore than is a gote ramage.
5385   That he not loveth, his dede pveth,
5386   Whan he his richesse so wel loveth,
5387   That he wole hide it ay and spare,
5388   His pore freendis sene forfare;