The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 105 rectoBackBACKBackF104v Folio 104 verso   Folio 105 verso F105v

5317   ffor it maymeth, in many wise,
5318   Sike hertis with coveitise;
5319   All in wynnyng and in profit
5320   Sich love settith his delite.
5321   This love so hangeth in balaunce
5322   That, if it lese his hope, pchaunce,
5323   Of lucre, that he is sett upon,
5324   It wole faile, and quenche Anoon;
5325   ffor no man may be Amerous,
5326   Ne in his lyvyng vertuous,
5327   But he love more, in moode,
5328   Men for hem silf than for her goode.
5329   ffor love that profit doth Abide
5330   Is fals, and bit not in no tyde.
5331   Love cometh of dame fortune,
5332   That litel while wole contune;
5333   ffor it shal chaungen wonder soone,
5334   And take eclips right as the moone,
5335   Whanne he is from us lett
5336   Thurgh erthe, that bitwixe is sett
5337   The sonne and hir, as it may falle,
5338   Be it in partie, or in All;
5339   The shadowe maketh her bemys merke,
5340   And hir hornes to shewe derke,