The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 104 versoBackBACKBackF104r Folio 104 recto   Folio 105 recto F105r

5293   If men his freend to deth wolde drife,
5294   Late hym be bisy to save his lyve.
5295   Also if men wolen hym Assayle,
5296   Of his wurshipp to make hym faile,
5297   And hyndren hym of his renoun,
5298   Late hym, with full entencioun,
5299   His dever done in eche degre
5300   That his freend ne shamed be,
5301   In this two caas with his myght,
5302   Taking no kepe to skile nor right,
5303   As ferre as love may hym excuse;
5304   This ought no man to refuse."
5305   This love that I have tolde to thee
5306   Is no thing contrarie to me;
5307   This wole I that thou folowe wele,
5308   And leve the tother everydele.
5309   This love to vtu all entendith,
5310   The tothir fooles blent and shendith.
5311   'Another love also there is,
5312   That is contrarie unto this,
5313   Which desire is so constreyned
5314   That is but wille feyned;
5315   Awey fro trouthe it doth so varie,
5316   That to good love it is contrarie;