5245 His freend, lest that he warned be,
5246 Til that he preve his stabilte.
5247 But whanne that he hath founden oon
5248 That trusty is and trewe as stone,
5249 And assaied hym at Alle,
5250 And founde hym stedefast as a walle,
5251 And of his freendshipp be certeyne,
5252 He shal hym shewe bothe Ioye and peyne,
5253 And all that dar thynke or sey,
5254 Withoute shame, as he wel may.
5255 ffor how shulde he ashamed be
5256 Of sich one as I tolde thee?
5257 ffor whanne he woot his secre thought,
5258 The thridde shal knowe therof right nought;
5259 ffor tweyne of noumbre is bet than thre
5260 In every counsell and secre.
5261 Repreve he dreded never a deele,
5262 Who that bisett his wordis wele;
5263 ffor every wise man, out of drede,
5264 Can kepe his tunge til he se nede;
5265 And fooles can not holde her tunge;
5266 A fooles belle is soone runge.
5267 Yit shal a trewe freend do more
5268 To helpe his felowe of his sore,