The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 103 rectoBackBACKBackF102v Folio 102 verso   Folio 103 verso F103v

5221   ffor glad is that coniunccioun,
5222   Whanne ther is noon susspecioun
5223   Whom they wolde prove
5224   That trewe and parfit weren in love.
5225   fforno man may be Amyable,
5226   But if he be so ferme and stable,
5227   That fortune chaunge hym not, ne blynde,
5228   But that his freend all wey hym fynde,
5229   Bothe pore and riche, in oo state.
5230   ffor if his freend, thurgh ony gate,
5231   Wole compleyne of his poverte,
5232   He shulde not bide so long, til he
5233   Of his helpyng hym requere;
5234   ffor goode dede, done thurgh praiere,
5235   Is sold, and bought to deere, iwis,
5236   To hert that of grete valour is.
5237   ffor hert fulfilled of gentilnesse
5238   Can yvel demene his distresse.
5239   And man that worthy is of name
5240   To asken often hath gret shame.
5241   A good man brenneth in his thought
5242   ffor shame, whanne he axeth ought.
5243   He hath gret thought, and dredeth Ay
5244   ffor his disese, whanne he shal pray