The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 102 rectoBackBACKBackF101v Folio 101 verso   Folio 102 verso F102v

   Ye yeve good counsel sikerly    CROSSED OUT
   That prechith me all day that I CROSSED OUT
5175   Shulde not loves lore Alowe;
5176   He were a foole, wolde you not trowe!
5177   In speche also ye han me taught
5178   Another love, that knowen is naught,
5179   Which I have herd you not repreve,
5180   To love ech other; by youre leve,
5181   If ye wolde diffyne it me,
5182   I wolde gladly here, to se,
5183   Atte the leest, if I may lere
5184   Of sondry loves the manere.' Raison.
5185   'Certis, freend, a fool art thou
5186   Whan that thou no thyng wolt Allowe
5187   That I for thi profit say.
5188   Yit wole I sey thee more, in fay;
5189   ffor I am redy, at the leste,
5190   To accomplisshe thi requeste,
5191   But I not where it wole Avayle;
5192   In veyn, perauntre, I shal travayle.
5193   Love ther is in sondry wise,
5194   As I shal thee heere devise.
5195   ffor somme love leful is and good;
5196   I mene not that which makith thee wood,