The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 101 versoBackBACKBackF101r Folio 101 recto   Folio 102 recto F102r

5151   ffor all yede oute at oon ere
5152   That in that other she dide lere;
5153   ffully on me she lost hir lore,
5154   Hir speche me greved wondir sore.
5155   That unto hir for ire I seide,
5156   for anger, as I dide
5157   'Dame, and is it youre wille Algate,
5158   That I not love, but that I hate
5159   Alle men, as ye me teche?
5160   ffor if I do aftir your speche,
5161   Sith that ye seyne love is not good,
5162   Thanne must I nedis say with mood,
5163   If I it leve, in hatrede Ay
5164   Lyven, and voide love Away
5165   ffrom me, a synfull wrecche,
5166   Hated of all that tecche.
5167   I may not go noon other gate,
5168   ffor other must I love or hate.
5169   And if I hate men of newe
5170   More than love, it wole me rewe,
5171   As by youre preching semeth me,
5172   ffor love no thing ne preisith thee.
5173   Ye yeve good counsel, sikirly,
5174   That prechith me al day, that I