The Romaunt of the Rose
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5127   Knytt and bounden in his lace,
5128   Certeyn, I holde it but a grace.
5129   ffor many oon, as it is seyne,
5130   Have lost, and spent also in veyne,
5131   In his servise, withoute socour,
5132   Body and soule, good, and tresour,
5133   Witte, and strengthe, and eke richesse,
5134   Of which they hadde never redresse. Lamant
5135   Thus taught and preched hath Resoun,
5136   But love spilte hir sermoun,
5137   That was so ymped in my thought,
5138   That hir doctrine I sette at nought.
5139   And yitt ne seide she never a dele,
5140   That I ne undirstode it wele,
5141   Word by word, the mater All.
5142   But unto love I was so thrall,
5143   Which callith over all his pray,
5144   He chasith so my thought ***ay,
5145   And holdith myne herte undir his sele,
5146   As trust and trew as ony stele;
5147   So that no devocioun
5148   Ne hadde I in the sermoun
5149   Of dame Resoun, ne of hir rede;
5150   It toke no soiour in myne hede.