The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 100 versoBackBACKBackF100r Folio 100 recto   Folio 101 recto F101r

5103   As in thi face it is sene;
5104   It makith thee bothe pale and lene;
5105   Thy myght, thy vertu goth Away.
5106   A sory geste, in goode fay,
5107   Thou herberest hem in thyne inne,
5108   The god of love whanne thou let inne!
5109   Wherfore I rede, thou shette hym oute,
5110   Or he shall greve thee, oute of doute;
5111   fforto thi pfigt it wole turne,
5112   Iff he nomore with thee soiourne.
5113   In gret myscheef and sorwe sonken
5114   Ben hertis, that of love arn dronken,
5115   As thou paventure knowen shall,
5116   Whanne thou hast lost the tyme All,
5117   And spent [thy youthe] in ydilnesse,
5118   In waste, and woful lustinesse;
5119   If thou maist lyve the tyme to se
5120   Of love forto delyvered be,
5121   Thy tyme thou shalt biwepe sore
5122   The whiche never thou maist restore.
5123   ffor tyme lost, as men may see,
5124   ffor no thyng may recured be.
5125   And if thou scape yit, atte laste,
5126   ffro love, that hath thee so faste