The Romaunt of the Rose
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5079   I wole that they to gedre go,
5080   And don al that they han Ado,
5081   As curteis shulde and debonaire,
5082   And in her love beren hem faire,
5083   Withoute vice, bothe he and she;
5084   So that alwey, in honeste,
5085   ffro foly love to kepe hem clere
5086   That brenneth hertis with his fere;
5087   And that her love, in ony wise,
5088   Be devoide of coveitise.
5089   Good love shulde engendrid be
5090   Of trewe herte, iust, and secre,
5091   And not of such as sette her thought
5092   To have her lust, and ellis nought,
5093   So are they caught in loves lace,
5094   Truly, for bodily solace.
5095   ffleshly delite is so present
5096   With thee, that sette all thyne entent,
5097   Withoute more, what shulde I glose?
5098   fforto gete and have the Rose;
5099   Which makith so mate and woode
5100   That thou desirest noon other goode.
5101   But thou art not an inche the nerre,
5102   But evere abidist in sorwe and werre,