5007 Whiche causen hir to mourne in woo
5008 That youthe hath hir bigiled so,
5009 Which sodeynly awey is hasted.
5010 She weped the tyme that she hath wasted,
5011 Compleynyng of the preterit,
5012 And the present, that not Abit,
5013 And of hir olde vanite,
5014 That, but aforn hir she may see
5015 In the future somme socour,
5016 To leggen hir of hir dolour,
5017 To graunte hir tyme of repentaunce,
5018 ffor her synnes to do penaunce,
5019 And atte the laste so hir governe
5020 To wynne the Ioy that is eterne,
5021 ffro which go bakward youthe he made,
5022 In vanite to droune and wade.
5023 ffor present tyme abidith nought,
5024 It is more swift than any thought;
5025 So litel while it doth endure
5026 That ther nys compte ne mesure.
5027 But hou that evere the game go,
5028 Who list to love ioye and mirth Also
5029 Of love, be it he or she,
5030 High or lowe, who it be,