The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 98 rectoBackBACKBackF97v Folio 97 verso   Folio 98 verso F98v

4983   Delite of youthe wole have servise
4984   To do what so he wole devise;
4985   And youthe is redy evermore
4986   fforto obey, for smerte of sore,
4987   Unto delite, and hym to yeve
4988   Hir servise, while that she may lyve.
4989   Where Elde abit, I wole thee telle
4990   Shortly, and no while dwelle,
4991   ffor thidir byhoveth thee to goo.
4992   If deth in youthe thee not sloo,
4993   Of this iourney thou maist not faile.
4994   With hir labour and travaile
4995   Logged ben, with sorwe and woo,
4996   That never out of hir court goo.
4997   Peyne and distresse, syknesse and Ire,
4998   And malencoly, that angry sire,
4999   Ben of hir paleys senatours;
5000   Gronyng and grucchyng, hir herbeiours,
5001   The day and nyght, hir to turment,
5002   With cruell deth they hir present,
5003   And tellen hir, erliche and late,
5004   That deth stondith armed at hir gate.
5005   Thanne brynge they to her remembraunce
5006   The foly dedis of hir infaunce,