The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 97 versoBackBACKBackF97r Folio 97 recto   Folio 98 recto F98r

4959   But yvell she spendith hir servise,
4960   ffor no man wole hir love neither preise;
4961   She is hated, this wote I welle.
4962   Hir acqueyntaunce wolde noman fele,
4963   Ne han of elde companye,
4964   Men hate to be of hir Alye.
4965   ffor noman wolde bicomen olde,
4966   Ne dye, whanne he is yong and bolde.
4967   And eelde merveilith right gretlye,
4968   Whanne thei remembre hem inwardly
4969   Of many a pelous emprise,
4970   Whiche that they wrought in sondry wise,
4971   Hou evere they myght, withoute blame,
4972   Escape awey withoute shame,
4973   In youthe, withoute damage
4974   Or repreef of her lynage,
4975   Losse of membre, shedyng of blode,
4976   Pell of deth, or losse of good.
4977   Woste thou nought where youthe Abit,
4978   That men so preisen in her witt?
4979   With delite she halt soiour,
4980   ffor bothe they dwellen in oo tour.
4981   As longe as youthe is in sesoun,
4982   They dwellen in oon mansioun.