The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 97 rectoBackBACKBackF96v Folio 96 verso   Folio 97 verso F97v

4935   Oonly thurgh youthes, chambre,
4936   That to done yvell is customere,
4937   And of nought elles taketh hede
4938   But oonly folkes forto lede
4939   Into disporte and wyldenesse,
4940   So is frowarde from sadnesse.
4941   'But eelde drawith hem therfro;
4942   Who wote it nought, he may wel goo
4943   And moo of hem that now arn olde,
4944   That whilom youthe hadde in holde,
4945   Which yit remembreth of tendir Age,
4946   Hou it hem brought in many a rage,
4947   And many a foly therynne wrought.
4948   But now that eelde hath hym thurgh sought,
4949   They repente hem of her folye,
4950   That youthe hem putte in Iupdye,
4951   In pell and in mych woo,
4952   And made hem ofte amys to do,
4953   And suen yvell companye,
4954   Riot and Avoutrie.
4955   But eelde gan ageyn restreyne
4956   ffrom sich foly, and refreyne,
4957   And sette men, by her ordinaunce,
4958   In good reule and in governaunce.