The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 96 versoBackBACKBackF96r Folio 96 recto   Folio 97 recto F97r

4911   Though for a tyme his herte Absente,
4912   It may not fayle, he shal repente,
4913   And eke abide thilke day
4914   To leve his abite, and gone his way,
4915   And lesith his worshipp and his name,
4916   And dar not come ageyn for shame;
4917   But al his lyf he doth so morne,
4918   By cause he dar not hom retourne.
4919   ffredom of kynde so lost hath he
4920   That never may recured be,
4921   But that if god hym graunte grace
4922   That he may, er he hennes pace,
4923   Conteyne undir obedience
4924   Thurgh the vertu of pacience.
4925   ffor youthe sett man in all folye,
4926   In unthrift and in ribaudie,
4927   In leccherie, and in outrage,
4928   So ofte it chaungith of corage.
4929   Youthe gynneth ofte sich bargeyne,
4930   That may not eende withouten peyne.
4931   In gret pell is sett youthede,
4932   Delite so doth his bridil leede.
4933   Delite this hangith, drede thee nought,
4934   Bothe mannys body and his thought,