The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 96 rectoBackBACKBackF95v Folio 95 verso   Folio 96 verso F96v

4887   And more of commendacioun,
4888   Than youthe in his discripcioun.
4889   ffor youthe sette bothe man and wyf
4890   In all pell of soule and lyf;
4891   And pell is, but men have grace,
4892   The pell of yought forto pace,
4893   Withoute ony deth or distresse,
4894   It is so full of wyldenesse;
4895   So ofte it doth shame or damage
4896   To hym or to his lynage.
4897   It ledith man now up, now doun,
4898   In mochel dissolucioun,
4899   And makith hym love yvell companye,
4900   And lede his lyf disrewlilye,
4901   And halt hym payed with noon estate.
4902   Withynne hym silf is such debate,
4903   He chaungith purpos and entente,
4904   And yalte into somme covente,
4905   To lyven aftir her emprise,
4906   And lesith fredom and fraunchise,
4907   That nature in hym hadde sette,
4908   The which ageyne he may not gette,
4909   If he there make his mansioun
4910   fforto abide pfessioun.