The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 95 rectoBackBACKBackF94v Folio 94 verso   F95v F95v

4839   Wymmen, the harme they bien full sore;
4840   But men this thenken evermore,
4841   That lasse harme is, so mote I the,
4842   Deceyve them, than deceyved be;
4843   And namely, where they ne may
4844   ffynde none other mene wey.
4845   ffor I wote wel, in sothfastnesse,
4846   That what doth now his bisynesse
4847   With ony womman forto dele,
4848   ffor ony lust that he may fele,
4849   But if it be for engendrure,
4850   He doth trespasse, I you ensure.
4851   ffor he shulde setten all his wille
4852   To geten a likly thyng hym tille,
4853   And to sustene, if he myght,
4854   And kepe forth, by kyndes right,
4855   His owne lyknesse and semblable,
4856   For bicause al is corumpable, (left blank in MS)
4857   And faile shulde successioun,
4858   Ne were their generacioun
4859   Oure sectis strene forto save.
4860   Whanne ffader or moder arn in grave,
4861   Her children shulde, whanne they ben deede,
4862   fful diligent ben, in her steede,