The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 94 versoBackBACKBackF94r Folio 94 recto   Folio 95 recto F95r

4815   The roote springith, thurgh hoote brennyg,
4816   Into disordinat desiryng
4817   fforto kissen and enbrace,
4818   And at her lust them to solace.
4819   Of other thyng love recchith nought,
4820   But setteth her herte and all her thought
4821   More for delectacioun
4822   Than ony procreacioun
4823   Of other fruyt by engendrine;
4824   Which love to god is not plesyng;
4825   ffor of her body fruyt to gete
4826   They yeve no force, they are so sette
4827   Upon delite, to pley in feere.
4828   And somme haven also this manere,
4829   To feynen hem for love seke;
4830   Sich love I preise not at a leke.
4831   ffor pamours they do but feyne;
4832   To love truly they disdeyne.
4833   They falsen ladies traitoursly,
4834   And swerne hem othes utterly,
4835   With many a lesyng, and many a fable,
4836   And all they fynden deceyvable.
4837   And, whanne they han her lust geten,
4838   The hoote ernes they al foryeten.