The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 91 versoBackBACKBackF91r Folio 91 recto   Folio 92 recto F92r

4671   Art so anguisshous and mate,
4672   Disfigured oute of a state;
4673   Ther may no wrecche have more of woo,
4674   Ne caityfe noon enduren soo.
4675   It were to every man sittyng
4676   Of his lord have knowleching.
4677   ffor if thou knewe hym, oute of doute,
4678   Lightly thou shulde escapen oute
4679   Of the prisoun that marreth thee.' L'amaunt.
4680   'Yhe, dame! sith my lord is he,
4681   And I his man, maad with myn honde,
4682   I wolde right fayne undirstonde
4683   To knowe of what kynde he be,
4684   If ony wolde enforme me.' Raisoun.
4685   'I wolde,' seide Resoun, 'thee lere,
4686   Sith thou to lerne hast sich desire,
4687   And shewe thee, withouten fable,
4688   A thyng that is not demonstrable.
4689   Thou shalt withouten science,
4690   And knowe, withouten expience,
4691   The thyng that may not knowen be,
4692   Ne wist ne shewid ne shewid in no degre.
4693   Thou maist the sothe of it not witen,
4694   Though in thee it were writen.