The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 91 rectoBackBACKBackF90v Folio 90 verso   Folio 91 verso F91v

4649   Thou wistest not what fell therto,
4650   With what lord thou haddist to do.
4651   If thou haddist hym wel knowe,
4652   Thou haddist nought be brought so lowe;
4653   ffor if thou wistest what it were,
4654   Thou noldist serve hym half a yeer,
4655   Not a weke, nor half a day,
4656   Ne yit an hour withoute delay,
4657   Ne never I lovede pamours,
4658   His lordshipp is so full of shoures.
4659   Knowest hym ought?'
4659   Lamaunt 'Yhe, dame, pde!' Raisoun.
4659   'Nay, nay.' L'amaunt. yhis I
4660   Raisoun. 'Wherof, late se?'
4661   Lamaunt. 'Of that he seide I shulde be
4662   Glad to have sich lord as he,
4663   And maister of sich seignorie.' Raisoun.
4664   'Knowist hym no more?' L'amaunt. nay certis I
4665   Save that he yaf me rewles there,
4666   And wente his wey, I nyste where,
4667   And I aboode bounde in balaunce.'
4668   'Lo, there a noble conisaunce! Raisoun
4669   But I wille that thou knowe hym now
4670   Gynnyng and eende, sith that thou