The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 90 rectoBackBACKBackF89v Folio 89 verso   Folio 90 verso F90v

4603   ffor though I dye, as I mote nede,
4604   I praye love, of his goodlyhede,
4605   To Bialacoil do gentylnesse,
4606   ffor whom I lyve in such distresse,
4607   That I mote deyen for penaunce.
4608   But ffirst, withoute repentaunce,
4609   I wole me confesse in good entent,
4610   And make in haste my testament,
4611   As lovers doon that feelen smerte:---
4612   To Bialacoil leve I myne herte
4613   All hool, withoute departyng,
4614   Doublenesse of repentyng.'
    Coment Raisoun
    Vient a lamant
4615   Thus as I made my passage
4616   In compleynt, and in cruel rage,
4617   And I not where to fynde a leche
4618   That couthe unto myne helpyng eche,
4619   Sodeynly agayn come doun
4620   Out of hir tour I saugh Resoun,
4621   Discrete and wijs, and full plesaunt,
4622   And of hir porte full Avenaunt.
4623   The right weye she tooke to me,
4624   Which stode in gret pplexite,