The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 89 versoBackBACKBackF89r Folio 89 recto   Folio 90 recto F90r

4579   If wikkednesse ne reve it thee;
4580   But sone, I trowe, that shall not be."
4581   These were his wordis by and by;
4582   It semede he lovede me trewly.
4583   Now is ther not but serve hym wele,
4584   If that I thenke his thanke to fele.
4585   My good, myne harme, lyth hool in me;
4586   In love may no defaute be;
4587   ffor trewe love ne failide never man.
4588   Sothly, the faute mote nedys than
4589   As god forbede be founde in me,
4590   And how it cometh, I can not see.
4591   Now late it goon as it may goo;
4592   Whether love wole socoure me or sloo,
4593   He may do hool on me his wille.
4594   I am so sore bounde hym tille,
4595   ffrom his servise I may not fleen;
4596   ffor lyf and deth, withouten wene,
4597   Is in his hande; I may not chese;
4598   He may me doo bothe wynne and leese.
4599   And sith so sore he doth me greve,
4600   Yit, if my lust he wolde Acheve
4601   To Bialacoil goodly to be,
4602   I yeve no force what felle on me.