The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 88 versoBackBACKBackF88r Folio 88 recto   Folio 89 recto F89r

4531   A foolis word is nought to trowe,
4532   Ne worth an appel forto lowe;
4533   Men shulde hym snybbe bittirly,
4534   At pryme temps of his foly.
4535   I was a fool, and she me leevede,
4536   Thurgh whom I am right nought releeved.
4537   Sheo accomplisshid all my wille,
4538   That now me greveth wondir ille.
4539   Resoun me seide what shulde falle.
4540   A fool my silf I may well I may wel calle
4541   That love assayde I hadde leyde,
4542   And trowed that dame Resoun seide.
4543   Resoun hadde bothe skile and ryght,
4544   Whanne she me blamed, with all hir myght,
4545   To medle of love, that hath me shent;
4546   But certeyn now I wole repente.
4547   And shulde I repente? nay parde!
4548   A fals traitour thanne shulde I be.
4549   The devell engynnes wolde me take,
4550   If I my love wolde forsake,
4551   Or Bialacoil falsly bitraye.
4552   Shulde I at myscheef hate hym? nay,
4553   Sith he now, for his curtesie,
4554   Is in prisoun of Ielousie.